Reverse Mortgages Are A Bad Idea

Awhile back we had dinner with two other couples and we were decidedly the youngest people there. And we’re not exactly spring chickens. The host was a retired banker and the subject of personal finance came up, of course. He started talking about reverse...

Student Loan Debt

The headline of a recent article on student loans proclaims, “Student loan borrowers with high debts aren’t making progress repaying them”. File this under, “Thank you, Captain Obvious. What was your first clue??” Student loans are just one of many, many ways we as a...

Long-Term Savings Goals

I think no matter your current relationship with personal finance, you can look into the future and anticipate what you may need to buy. It could be as simple as a set of tires in the next year, or replacing the entire car in the next 2-3 years. If you can identify...