Our Story

Like many people who come to us, we started at the bottom. Below the bottom really, with $154,000 in debt – not including our home.

Fast forward a few years later and we have no consumer debt of any kind, we have a solid emergency fund, and we are investing aggressively for retirement. In addition to all that, we are working towards paying off our home early.

Somewhere along the way, Christie and I realized our quality of life had improved. Not because we “had money”. Even when we were working our way out of debt we were much happier than we’d been prior. We were working together on shared goals and were actually agreeing on the money. What a concept!

We began our own journey in 2007 and since 2013 have coached dozens of couples and singles through this process. We can show you how to do it too.

Need to chat now? Send an email to coach@DoBetterWithMoney.com

  • Credit Cards Paid Off And Closed 100% 100%
  • Student Loans Paid Off 100% 100%
  • Auto Loans Paid Off 100% 100%
  • Emergency Fund In Place (3-6 Months of Expenses) 100% 100%
  • Investing In Mutual Funds Using 401(k) & Roth IRAs 100% 100%
  • Mortgage Paid In Full 70% 70%

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